Fire Emblem Trading Card Game ファイアーエムブレムTCG is the first released TCG for Fire Emblem. This TCG started with the 4th Fire Emblem game, Seisen no Kefiu (Genealogy of the Holy War) and then added in Thracia 776, Ankoku Ryū to Hikari no Tsurugi (Shadow Dragon and Sword of Light), and Monshō no Nazo (Mystery of the Emblem). Series 1-3 are from Genealogy of the Holy War, series 4 is from Thracia 776, the anniversary series is from both Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776, and Series 5-6 are from Shadow Dragon and Sword of Light and Mystery of the Emblem. The promotional cards and other merchandise come from all 4 games that were used in the card game. This series ran from 2001 to 2004
Fire Revolution Trading Card Game ファイアーレボリューション TCG [FRTCG] is a continuation of the official Fire Emblem TCG once that game was discontinued. These doujin style cards feature characters from the first 8 Fire Emblem games and were planned to go at least up to game 10, Goddess of Dawn (Radiant Dawn in the US). Now that Cipher has been released, the fans that created this TCG have stopped making the cards. They made cards for 8 years.
Fire Emblem Ø [Cipher] TCG ファイアーエムブレム Ø [サイファ] is the new Fire Emblem TCG that was released in the summer of 2015. So far there are 7 series released, with an eigth scheduled to come out in March 2017. Series 1 has cards from Shadow Dragon and Sword of Light, and Awakening. Series 2 is all from Fire Emblem If (Fates in the US). Series 3 has cards from Souen no Kiseki (Path of Radiance in the US), Awakening and If Invisible Kingdom (Fates Revelations in the US), and Series 4 has cards from Awakening, Mystery of the Emblem and Genei Ibun Roku #FE (Tokyo Mirage Session #FE in the US). Series 5 contains cards from Radiant Dawn and Fuuin no Tsurugi (Binding Blade/Sword of Seals). Series 6 contains cards from Fates Revelations (black) and Genealogy of the Holy War and Series 7 contains cards from Rekka no Ken (Blazing Sword/just Fire emblem in the US) and Fates Revelation white. Series 8 contains cards from Genealogy of the Holy War and Awakening. It has been revealed that series 9 will have cards from Hasha no Tsurugi, the manga for Fuuin no Tsurugi, Fuuin no Tsurugi, and Radiant Dawn. It has been announced that Tracia 77 and FE Heroes will be coming to Cipher in Series 10 with Sacred Stones getting a spot in series 11, along with Echoes and FE Warriors.
Cipher ended after 22 series and many events. They stopped supporting the card tournaments in March 2021 and now the website just has the FAQ and errata cards information. I will get around to updating the info up here eventaully. The last new cards given out were from December of 2020.
Feel free to e-mail me with any questions, comments, error fixing or translation
assistance at
I have made gallery pages
for most of the cards, and I am in the process of making info pages (which will
include small card pictures. Full sized pictures will be on the gallery
pages). The info pages will have the card text
on them, and the translations (some really need to be fixed...).
Volunteers are welcome to help fix/error check the translations on the info
Also, if anyone has cards that
I don't have that they want to trade or
sell, please
let me know!
I am scanning in the new cards at 600 DPI instead of the 300 DPI the current cards are scanned in. Eventually I may re-scan the old cards in 600DPI as well.
For Fire Emblem Cipher, I will be ordering one of every starter deck and buying at least 4 boxes of every series (each full box has a promo card like the original TCG). I will also try to get all the Cipher sleeves. Since I just want a few of each, all the extras will end up in the for sale section for those who want some and don't want to pay the crazy prices on e-bay (each sleeve pack retail price is 890y). I will see if I can get my hands on some of the other magazines and books that have promotional cards, but I am not sure if I will find them all.
Last Updated on May 13, 2019 September 2022 (I didn't get much updated, but I will try to slowly fix and update things)
I will try to get back and update this page and get to the emails about getting cards. several things, including the unexpected passing of my father have made things hectic and have taken a higher priority then this page and emails. Hopefully we have all the paperwork done now (keep finding more) and I will be able to get back to things like this page and catching up on the emails. Sorry for all the trouble.
Sorry this is taking so long, but real life is taking a lot of my time right now. Updates will come as I have time. I will eventually fix the main layout so that it is easier to navigate.
Status Updates:
Most pictures are down due to photobucket suddenly changing their ToS without warning. Photobucket is no longer an image hosting site unless you pay $399 a year! all other plans do not allow you to use them as an image hosting service (all other paid plans still don't allow hot linking). so now I have to figure out a solution (as in where to host the images). Maybe we'll get lucky and Photobucket will change their minds on this.
FETCG: I am still working on the card info pages. I am slowly working on the last of the translations. new cards are up
FRTCG: I am still missing some of the cards and I am not able to get more boxes or not, as they are no longer being made.
FEØ: I'm in the middle of scanning scan all 4 player boxes ,which the deck boxes are giving me a hard time keeping them flat enough to get good scans. Once I get the player boxes scanned in, I'll start putting together the other merchandise pages. I have gotten most of the caravan stuff from auctions, though I have sadly had no luck with the tote bag (I am not interested in the badges). I need to scan series 9 and a few other things I've picked up. Series 8 is scanned, and will be put up once I figure out a picture solution. Working on scanning in series 9 and figuring out the image issue. I also seem to either have misplaced my C89 cards (all 8 markercards and both promos) or anciently mailed them to someone (I really hope I didn't, but if I did, please let me know!). I though I had them in the boxes but when I when to scan the boxes in, the cards were not there. I hope I put them some where safe or that they fell behind something (though I'm running out of places to look). Also, I really need to update the for sale pages
Fire Emblem Ø Series 1
スターターデッキ 暗黒戦争篇 (Ankoku Sesou Hen) - Starter Deck - Darkness War Compilation (Shadow Dragon)
Series 1 Darkness War Starter Deck Gallery - starter deck 1
スターターデッキ 覚醒篇 (Kakusei Hen) - Starter Deck - Awakening Compilation (Awakening)
Series 1 Awakening Starter Deck Gallery - starter deck 2
ブースターパック 英雄たちの戦刃 (Eiyuu-tachi no Zantou) - Booster Packs - War Blade of Heroes/Heroes' War Blade (Shadow Dragon and Awakening)
Series 1 booster pack Gallery - Complete!
Fire Emblem Ø Series 2
スターターデッキ 白夜篇 (Byakuya Hen) - Starter Deck - White Night Compilation (Fates - Hoshido)
Series 2 White Night Starter Deck Gallery - starter deck 3
スターターデッキ 暗夜篇 (Anya Hen) - Starter Deck - Dark Night Compilation (Fates - Nohr)
Series 2 Dark Night Starter Deck Gallery - starter deck 4
ブースターパック 光と闇の神焔 (Hikari to Yami no Shinen) - Booster Packs - Divine Blaze of Light and Dark (Fates Hoshido and Nohr)
Series 2 booster pack Gallery - - Just missing the errata card. Will buy or trade for the missing card
Fire Emblem Ø Series 3
スターターデッキ「蒼炎の軌跡篇」 (Souen no Kiseki Hen) - starter deck - Trial of the Blue Flame Compilation (Path of Radiance)
Series 3 Trial of the Blue Flame Starter Deck Gallery - starter deck 5
ブースターパック「希望への雙剣」 (Kibou he no Souken) - booster packs - Duel Swords of Aspiration/Hope/Wish (Path of Radiance, Awakening, and Fates Revelation)
Series 3 booster pack Gallery - Complete!
Fire Emblem Ø Series 4
スターターデッキ「幻影篇」 (Genei Hen) - starter deck - Illusion Compilation (Genei Ibun Roku #FE, Mystery of the Emblem, and Awakening)
Series 4 Illusion Starter Deck Gallery - starter deck 6
ブースターパック「煌めき幻奏」 (Kirameki Gensou) - booster packs - Sparkling/Glittering Illusion Performance/Concert/Play (Genei Ibun Roku #FE, Mystery of the Emblem, and Awakening)
Series 4 booster pack Gallery - Just missing the errata card. Will buy or trade for the missing card
Fire Emblem Ø Series 5
スターターデッキ「封印動乱篇」(Fuuin Douran Hen) - starter deck - Sealed/Binding Disturbance/Upheaval (Binding Blade)
Series 5 Starter Deck Gallery - starter deck 7
ブースターパック「相剋を越えて」(Soukoku wo Koete) - booster packs - Beyond Rivalry (Radiant Dawn and Binding Blade)
Series 5 booster pack Gallery - Just missing the 2 errata cards. Will buy or trade for the missing cards
Fire Emblem Ø Series 6
スターターデッキ「聖戦の系譜篇」(Seisen no Kefiu Hen) - starter deck - Genealogy of the Holy War Compilation (Genealogy of the Holy War)
Series 6 Starter Deck Gallery - starter deck 8
ブースターパック「閃駆ノ騎影」(Senku no Kiei) - booster packs - Flash of Charging Cavalry's (Knight's) Shadow (Genealogy of the Holy War and Fates Revelation)
Series 6 booster pack Gallery - Just need to
upload and add 1 plus card
Fire Emblem Ø Series 7
ブースターパック「士道を征く」(Shidou wo Yuku) - booster packs - Conquering Chivalry/Bushido (Blazing Sword and Fates Revelation)
Series 7 booster pack Gallery - Just missing the 2 errata cards. Will buy or trade for the missing cards
Fire Emblem Ø Series 8 (was released on March 17 2017)
ブースターパック「生と死-運命の先へ」(Sei to Shi -Unmei no Saki e) - booster packs - Life and Death - Along/On/Crossroad of? Destiny/Fate (Genealogy of the Holy War and Awakening)
Series 8 booster pack Gallery
Fire Emblem Ø Series 9 (to be released on June 22 2017)
スターターデッキ「神々の大地篇」( Kamigami no Daichi Hen) - starter deck -
Series 9 Starter Deck Gallery - starter deck 9 (working on scanning in the cards)
ブースターパック「響地轟轟」(Kyouchigougou) - booster packs - (Hasha no Tsurugi, Binding Blade, Radiant Dawn, and Echoes)
Series 9 booster pack Gallery (working on scanning in the cards)
Fire Emblem Ø Series 10 (to be released on September? 2017)
ブースターパック「」() - booster packs - (Thracia 776, Fates, Heroes)
Series 10 booster pack Gallery
Other Cipher stuff
Card Sleeves Gallery - Including booster box only sleeves, which are also found on their respective booster gallery pages
Promotional Cards Gallery - Including ones from booster boxes, which are also found on their respective booster gallery pages
Album Books - short 'side story' books created using Fire Emblem Ø (Cipher) cards.
Hero Marker Cards - Including ones from starter decks, which are also found on their respective deck gallery pages
Books and Magazines - Cipher specific books and magazines that came with cipher cards and/or cipher information that I have/know of ( just the covers for now)
Player Boxes - Comiket Player boxes and their contents (need to scan in deck boxes still)
Posters - The posters I can get my hands on (giveaways and store posters)
Merchandise - Playmats, postcards, pamphlet's, stamp cards, rule sheets, limited event and other items that do not have their own gallery
第6弾 碧空の意思
(Ao Sora no Kokoro Omou) - Series 6 Purpose [or Intention] of the Azure Sky
Fire Revolution Series
6 Gallery - These
go through Seima no Koseki (Sacred Stones) - Just missing 1 card!
Unit Card Information
Buki Card Information
Mahou Card Information
Surprise Card Information
Tochi Card Information
外伝2 (Gaiden) 黒竜の牙
(Koku Ryuu no Kiba) - Anthology Series 2 - Anecdote/Side Story Black Dragon Fang
Fire Revolution Anthology Series 2 Gallery - These
go through Seima no Koseki (Sacred Stones) - Just missing 3 cards!
Unit Card Information
Buki Card Information
Mahou Card Information
Surprise Card Information
Tochi Card Information
Promotional cards(プロモーションカード)
Promotional Cards Gallery -
I don't think I'll ever get them all....
The official Checklists for them can be found here
pictures of ones you can trade in point cards for can be found here: PR
SPパックシリーズ Special Pack
SP Packs Gallery (I have
all 4 SP packs)
Turn Marker Cards
Turn Marker Cards Gallery - only
3, but it is up
Point Cards
Point Cards Gallery - only a few, but
it is up
FRTCG related stuff
Other Fire Revolution Stuff (I'm not getting the play mats
(1500¥ ), but I will put pictures of them up
(I really have to update these with more scans....when I have the chance)
Fire Emblem Video Game Guide books
Fire Emblem Art books (including the postcard books)
Fire Emblem Novels
Fire Emblem Manga
Fire Emblem Doujinshi
Other Fire Emblem Stuff (calendars, figures, magazines, TCG books, and other game related things)
Gekka Ginyu extra story Requiem of Time!
Requiem of Time - self playing e-book format
Requiem of Time - A zip file with all the pages including 2 bonus translated pages from the art book
More will come in the future.
because I couldn't find any FMV's on-line, I made my own from Fire Emblem Path of Radiance. I've also put the Fire Emblem OAV on youtube in sections.
I have now ripped better versions of the Fire Emblem OAV from the official VHS tapes (dub, sub and raw) and placed them in my 4shared account. All variations can be found on the Video page.
Extra: Make your own Fan cards - will be updated as new cards are fully cleaned (it
may take a long while before more are added)
Pieces and Fan made cards
List of Fan made cards: Elincia LV1, Soren Lv1 (FE9 versions).
Series 1
Series 2
Series 3
Series 4
Series 5
Series 6
Other FE TCG Stuff
(Promotional, SP, Turn Marker cards and other stuff)
Series 1
Series 2
Series 3
Series 4
Series 5
Series 6
Series 7
Series 8 (will put up one I've finished scanning in the cards)
Promotion and Marker cards
Other Cipher Stuff
*Cipher prices can be negotiated within reason.
Series 1
Series 2
Series 3
Anthology I
Series 4
Series 5
Series 6
Anthology II
Other Fire Revolution Stuff
(promotional and Turn Marker cars, calendars and stuff)
Other Fire Emblem goods for sale - includes manga and douijn and extra figures - outdated
Other things for sale (Non-FE) - I will eventually
split this up and organize it better (mostly anime art
books, manga, trading cards and the like) - outdated
My current auctions on e-bay
FE 6 manga Translation
The Final Holy War - Scannlation group for the FE 4 manga -^~^ they are not there anymore. But some of us at Serenes Forest are working on it!
Nifty illustrations? cool fanart site (in Japanese)
Serenes Forest a lot of Fire Emblem info and pictures.