Fire Emblem Trading Card Anniversary Series Buki Cards
Buki card (weapon)
Text layout from cards Original Japanese on the left with the English translation on the right.
Translated by |
Aquantis |
スリープの剣 |
Sleep Sword |
攻撃:1/最大:2 | Attack: 1/ Maximum: 2 | ||
装備制限:剣C | Equipment Level Restriction: Sword C | ||
追加効果:対象のユニットは次にその支配プレイヤーの侵攻フェイズが終わるまでスリープ状態となる。 |
Effect: The target unit will sleep until the end of the invasion phase of
the player that damaged then. After using this effect, this card will be remove. ※ sleep: While in a waiting state, the unit cannot counterattack, cannot use "(Skills), cannot use "(Abilities)", and cannot be targeted by the [Dance] special ability. In addition, the three-way standoff is determined by the initial equipment. |
065 | ★ |
大地の剣 |
Earth Sword |
攻撃:1/最大:2 | Attack: 1/ Maximum: 2 | ||
装備制限:剣C | Equipment Level Restriction: Sword C | ||
攻撃・反撃を行う代わりに、任意でこのカードを付与されているユニットの気力チップを1つ消費して、直接、間接攻撃可能な攻撃力2の[光]魔法を使用することができる。 |
of attacking and counterattacking, 1 Willpower chip on the unit that is
using this card can be consumed to grant the wielder a [light] magic
attack with the attack strength of 2 that can be used for a ranged or
direct attack. . After using this effect, this unit gains a single chip has been used during the processing results stage of combat. After using this effect, this card is removed. |
066 | ★ |
ミストルティン |
Misteltien |
攻撃:5/最大:2 | Attack: 5/ Maximum: 2 | ||
装備制限:剣★ | Equipment Level Restriction: Sword ★ | ||
この武器は「ノディオン王国」のユニットしか装備できず、場には1枚しか出すことができない。また、この武器を使用した攻撃では、全てのサプライズカードの効果は無効となる。 |
weapon can only be equipped by a member of the
"Kingdom of Nodion", and only one of this card can be in
play. In addition, when the unit uses this sword to attack,
all Surprise cards are invalid. When attacking with this weapon, 2 Willpower chips can be consumed to deal an additional +2 damage to the target opponent as an additional effect [Symbol] If this card is returned to the deck from the players' hand, 2 used chips are returned unused. |
067 | ★ |