Fire Emblem Ø Card Sleeves
These are the protective cards sleeves for Fire Emblem Cipher. Each purchasable sleeve pack contains 65 card sleeves and thus far all have a silvery interior. The first part of this gallery will have all the purchasable sleeves (I will be ordering/preordering them as they become available). The special sleeves that can only be acquired through box purchases will be at the bottom and thus far come in sets of 5.
Sleeves 1-4 were released on June 25 2015, 5-8 were released on September 10 2015, 9-12 were released on October 30 2015, 13-16 were released on November 20 2015 and 17-20 were released on December 10 2015
Sleeves 21-24 can only be obtained through the player boxes that were sold at Comiket Market 98 (December 28-30 2015) or from those who attended one of the Cipher Sai events (WEST January 31, 2016 | EAST February 6, 2016). Sleeves 25-28 were released with series 4 on March 17 2016. Sleeves 29-32 were released with series 5 on June 23rd. Sleeves 33-36 were released with series 6 on September 29, 2016 and sleeves 37-40 were released on December 8th 2016. Sleeves 41-44 were released in the Comiket 91 player boxes (December 28-30 2016) and were also for sale at the Cipher Sai events (WEST February 19, 2017 | EAST February 26, 2017). Sleeves 45-48 were released on March 17, 2017.
Note: For the package scans, I carefully opened them and removed all but one sleeve to make them scan better. I can add photos of the packages beforehand if people want.
Sleeve gallery download
Card Sleeves
1 Marth (マルス) |
1 Marth front |
1 Marth back |
2 Chrom (クロム) |
2 Chrom front |
2 Chrom back |
3 Tharja (サーリャ) |
3 Tharja front |
3 Tharja back |
4 25th Anniversary
(25周年ドットキャラ) |
4 25th Anniversary
Lords front |
4 25th Anniversary
Lords back |
5 Marth (マルス) |
5 Marth front |
5 Marth front |
6 Lucina (ルキナ) |
6 Lucina front |
6 Lucina back |
7 Tiki (チキ) |
7 Tiki front |
7 Tiki |
8 Gaius (ガイア) |
8 Gaius front |
8 Gaius |
9 Kamui male
(カムイ(男)) |
9 Kamui male
front |
9 Kamui male
back |
10 Kamui female
(カムイ(女)) |
10 Kamui female
front |
10 Kamui female
back |
11 Aqua (アクア) |
11 Aqua front |
11 Aqua back |
12 25th Anniversary
(25周年ドットヒロイン) |
12 25th Anniversary
Heroine front |
12 25th Anniversary
Heroine back |
13 Takumi (タクミ) |
13 Takumi front |
13 Takumi back |
14 Sakura (サクラ) |
14 Sakura front |
14 Sakura back |
15 Camilla (カミラ) |
15 Camilla front |
15 Camilla |
16 Elise (エリーゼ) |
16 Elise front |
16 Elise |
17 Ike (アイク) |
17 Ike front |
17 Ike back |
18 Mist (ミスト) |
18 Mist front |
18 Mist back |
19 Kinu (キヌ) |
19 Kinu front |
19 Kinu back |
20 Flora (フローラ) |
20 Flora front |
20 Flora back |
21 Pixel (Blue)
ドット(青) |
21 Pixel Blue
front |
21 Pixel Blue
back |
22 Pixel (White)
ドット(白) |
22 Pixel White
front |
22 Pixel White
back |
23 Character (M)
キャラクターズ男 |
23 Character M
front |
23 Character M
back |
24 Character (F)
キャラクターズ女 |
24 Character F
front |
24 Character F
back |
25 Tsubasa Oribe
(織部つばさ) |
25 Tsubasa Oribe
front |
25 Tsubasa Oribe
back |
26 Tiki (チキ) |
26 Tiki front |
26 Tiki back |
27 Serena (セレナ) |
27 Serena front |
27 Serena back |
28 Lucina (ルキナ) |
28 Lucina front |
28 Lucina back |
29 Roy (ロイ) |
29 Roy front |
29 Roy back |
30 Lilina (リリーナ) |
30 Lilina front |
30 Lilina back |
31 Micaiah (ミカヤ) |
31 Micaiah front |
31 Micaiah back |
32 Soren (セネリオ) |
32 Soren front |
32 Soren back |
33 Sigurd
(シグルド) |
33 Sigurd front |
33 Sigurd back |
34 Diadora/Deidre
(ディアドラ) |
34 Diadora front |
34 Diadora back |
35 Lackesis
(ラケシス) |
35 Lackesis front |
35 Lackesis back |
36 Charlotte
(シャーロッテ) |
36 Charlotte front |
36 Charlotte back |
37 Eliwood
(エリウッド) |
37 Eliwood front |
37 Eliwood back |
38 Lyndis (リン) |
38 Lyn front |
38 Lyn back |
39 Ryoma (リョウマ) |
39 Ryoma front |
39 Ryoma back |
40 Hana (カザハナ) |
40 Hana front |
40 Hana back |
41 Character
(キャラクターズ) |
41 Character
front |
41 Character
back |
42 Crest Shield
(紋章の盾) |
42 Crest Shield
front |
42 Crest Shield
back |
43 Pixel A(ドットA) |
43 Pixel A front |
43 Pixel A back |
44 Pixel B (ドットB) |
44 Pixel B front |
44 Pixel B back |
45 Chrom (クロム) |
45 Chrom Front |
45 Chrom Back |
46 Tiki (チキ) |
46 Tiki Front |
46 Tiki Back |
47 Selice (セリス) |
47 Selice Front |
47 Selice Back |
48 Altena (アルテナ) |
48 Altena Front |
48 Altena Back |
Booster Box only Sleeves
Box 2 Hoshido |
Box 2 Nohr |
Box 3 Path of
Radiance |
Box 3
pixel Fates |
Box 4 Mystery
of the Emblem |
Box 4
Awakening |
Box 5 Sword
of Seals |
Box 5
Radiant Dawn |
Box 6
Genealogy |
Box 6 Little
Sisters |
Box 7 Blazing
Sword |
Box 7 Aqua
(Fates OST) |
Box 8
Sumina/Lissa |
Box 8
Holy Blood |